Welcome to Ketna Patel's London POP Art Studio!
British mixed-media pop-artist Ketna Patel is the walking embodiment of a hybrid, kaleidoscopic Global citizen today. Her internal and external worlds are constantly revolving doors of observations and impressions.
Ketna is somewhat a global gypsy with no real roots. Having lived in 6 different countries over 3 continents (Africa, Europe and Asia), her internal and external world are a constantly revolving kaleidoscope of observations and impressions.
To date, she has either spent most of my life on the move, or with other people….hosting and co-habiting in a commune in Singapore, travelling incessantly within India, living out of a suitcase in a hotel or as a guest in someone else’s house. Now that she has finally made a nest for herself in London, she is slowly emerging from a 'behind the scenes mode' of transition, renovation, observations and re-education into a more visible role of story teller. Indeed, Europe had changed tremendously since she was away, so before she could paint more visual narratives, her first priority was to travel, eavesdrop, understand and document what was happenning around her.
Artists are story tellers. POPULAR culture (i.e the culture of everyday people) fascinates Ketna. What do they think, and why do they think that way? What influences their narratives? What are their aspirations? How do they express themselves? Travelling around so much, she notes that many oral traditions are still powerfully alive. Information is passed from one generation to another in a countless different ways. We need to record and tell these stories again and again so that we see ourselves reflected in these ‘Art mirrors’, be it literature, Art, song or Theatre. This concept is reflected in most homes. That is why she has never been a fan of minimalism, where all surfaces are bare, and the only colour is white or grey.
Interesting spaces are like interesting people. They have stories to tell.
Moral of the story: Don’t trust a space if it is mute and insipid, for the treasure box of stories behind that space will turn out to be an EMPTY container….full of NOTHING!

Singapore Studio: 1999 - 2013
Singapore Gallery in the Press
This photo of of our Gallery space is from a publication showcasing inspiring spaces in Singapore. Our double housed gallery in Chipbee Gardens, Holland Village grew organically to become a favourite destination for Expats, tourists & locals!
Singapore studio over the years
Our middle gallery space in between the two houses would change its character depending on what was in it! Props from exhibitions or licensing collaborations often found themselves housed here, sprinking loads of whacky magic , colour and story telling. It was never boring!
SINGAPORE Home/Studio/Gallery
A photo from the official opening of our Home Gallery. 200 guests turned up, and we had flamenco, fire eating, juggling, drinks and food. Artist Roy Parimal almost burnt the house down!